May 25, 2007: Day of action against Gonzales and DRM is mounting a day of action against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and digital restrictions management (“DRM” framed from the point of the user) when Disney releases their new movie:

On Monday, Gonzales called on Congress to enact a sweeping new bill entitled the “Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2007” (IPPA) that would amongst other things:

  • Increase penalties for circumventing a DRM scheme
  • Criminalize “attempting” to infringe copyright
  • Permit more wiretaps for investigating copyright violations
  • Add penalties for “intended” copyright crimes

This proposed legislation is a result of Hollywood’s lobbying, serving their special interests at the expense of the public good. As we have seen, thanks to the recent events like the Digg revolt, the public have turned against DRM. The illegal hex code that can be used to remove the DRM from HD-DVD can now be found on over a million web pages.

This is Hollywood’s attempt to scare us all into accepting DRM. Now is the time to take action!

On Friday May 25th, around the world, Disney will release “Pirates of the Caribbean – At World’s End”, a movie about a diverse community coming together to fight the far reaching and oppressive East India Trading Company to preserve their freedom loving lifestyle (sound kind of familiar?)

If you’d like to get a yellow hazard suit to protest at your local theater, Defective by Design can help.